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KNA News

The Korean Nurses Association News is weekly paper published by the Korean Nurses Association. It represents latest news for nurses and aims to convey the efforts the Korean Nurses Association.
It was first issued on December 31, 1976. .

The newspaper publishes many different contents in various fields including nursing, health, and medical policy, Korean Nurses Association activities, nursing news on hospitals, nursing colleges, academies, and communities, public opinion and columns, interviews with nurses broadening their careers in various fields, ICN and overseas nursing news, news on healthcare field, and news related women.

It also promotes a nurse emblem campaign targeting registered nurses and a contest called ‘The Nursing Literature Prize’ for nurses and nursing students held annually. The ‘Nursing Literature Prize’ began in December, 1978 and awards are given in four fields including fiction, memoirs, poems and essays.

dotWebsite: www.nursenews.co.kr